1xRUN Presents Trust The Shooter™ - Detroit
A Group Photography Exhibition Curated by Jeremy Deputat & Rick Williams
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1xRUN is proud to present Trust The Shooter™ opening March 4th at Inner State Gallery in Detroit’s historic Eastern Market. Curated by Detroit photographers Jeremy Deputat and Rick Williams, this exhibition examines a global pedigree of contemporary urban photography. As the visual world has expanded, these skilled shooters continue to separate themselves, spearheading a global movement with a unique point of view and imagery captured through the lens of a seasoned photographer.
“This unique and raw exhibition explores modern photography through the lens of the world's most active and creative shooters. Trust The Shooter™photographers are not only shooting every day, but they have refined their craft through instantaneous feedback from a global network of the world’s most discerning photographers and fans,” Deputat said.
The visual artists include Brian Willette, Camera Jesus, Cole Younger, Insighting, Jason Peterson, Jayscale, Jeremy Deputat, Pete Williams, Misshattan,Rick Williams, Ta-ku, Steve Sweatpants & Van Styles. Each photographer will show a single 20x30 inch print, and a signed & numbered edition of 10 will be available at the exhibition, as well as online at www.1xrun.com
Curated from the tight-knit Trust The Shooter™ movement, these 13 photographers will transport viewers around the globe with beautiful imagery that captures the ever-changing world around us. While others may pass by without noticing their surroundings, the Trust The Shooter™ photographer captures these unseen moments with an unwavering eye for detail.
“These photographers have developed massive followings through years of some of the most creative and groundbreaking street photography. The collective reach of these shooters stretches to millions of fans worldwide,” Williams said. Taking risks and pushing beyond the norm is a core motivation for this crew and this exhibition will transport the viewer across the globe with these breathtaking photographs.
In addition to the exhibition, Inner State gallery will host a Q&A, moderated by Rick Williams, with Havas Worldwide Chief Creative Officer Jason Peterson and commercial photographer Jeremy Deputat from 5pm-7pm preceding the exhibition on March 4th.
For more information about the featured photographers and exhibition details, stay tuned to www.trusttheshooter.com To request an advanced preview or the exhibition catalog, please email info@innerstategallery.com.