This May, Detroit’s trendsetting Movement Electronic Music Festival partners with 1xRUN to bring Italian artist 2501 Detroit for a full-fledged visual takeover of Hart Plaza during Movement’s 10th Anniversary. In addition, 2501 will showcase an entirely new body of work in a solo exhibition Processi Generativi at Inner State Gallery opening May 27th.
Celebrating 10 years of pioneering electronic music and the visual artwork that it inspires, Paxahau and 1xRUN have partnered to bring their first international artist to Detroit as part of their collaborative Artist In Residency program. This Memorial Day Weekend, 2501 will descend on Hart Plaza ith an immersive installation hat seamlessly mirrors electronic music, as a human interface brings life to the rhythmic syncopation of a repeated robotic beat.
“This installation and body of work has developed through a progressive series of actions. My concept of painting is based on the continuity of experience, on flow rather than stillness, and it is for this reason that I am not going to show you a sequence of static, motionless slides, but something moving. Pictures and art pieces are static and indoor but they tell a story in motion and they are the result from outdoor processes,” 2501 said from his studio in Milan, Italy.
After visiting Detroit in 2015 for 1xRUN’s Murals In The Market festival, 2501 returns to unveil his latest incarnation of “La Macchin” at the world’s premiere electronic music festival. Working with Italian media company, 2501 will showcase his signature style with large scale participatory public works strategically placed throughout the festival grounds.
“Part of the Movement experience is the ability to connect its audience with the music through various channels of art and technology. We’re very excited to partner with 1xRUN showcase 2501’s live exploration of these elements throughout Hart Plaza,” Paxahau President Jason Huvaere said from his Corktown studio.
2501 will be available for interviews from May 16th-31st, 2016. For scheduling and details please contact Roula David at or 313-744-6506.
Check out the Movement Line Up and find ticketing info at and RSVP to
2501’ exhibition at Inner State Gallery here - facebook
More info can be found by visiting @never2501 @movementdetroit @1xrun